DDD Europe 2024 - Program

You’ve done an EventStorming, great! Now what?

Main Conference - Hands-on Lab


Maxime Sanglan-Charlier

Maxime Sanglan-Charlier
Thursday 30 from 11:00 until 13:00

(This is a hands-on lab with limited capacity)

You’ve done an EventStorming workshop where you managed to bring together all the stakeholders. You certainly had good discussions and took the opportunity to align everyone on the same level of understanding. You might even grabbed the chance to build a common and shared glossary which will streamline communication between teams and increase the chances of success, well done! All this is already extremely beneficial and can already be considered as a totally reasonable goal. But did you know that your EventStorming can also be the starting point for a new adventure? An adventure that can lead you to the implementation of a loosely coupled architecture and even better align your teams with the domain!

In this workshop, you will discover the Starter Modeling Process, one of the many Open Source resources created by the DDD community to which I contribute. You will start from an EventStorming and in small groups you will practice a set of tools and techniques which will allow you to trace the contours of a loosely coupled architecture and to better align your teams with the domain.

This workshop is intended for Product Owner/Managers, Architects, Developers and Testers.


Participants should have their laptops as we'll be working in hybrid mode (Miro + stickies on the wall)

About Maxime Sanglan-Charlier

More than 20 years in software development and not even a wrinkle (or almost not). Curious by nature, I am always on the lookout for anything that can make us more efficient as an individual, as a team or within an organization. I'm a DDD-Crew contributo, I’m co-organizing the amazing Newcrafts conference (ncrafts.io) and also co-founder of the Nantes Software Crafters Meetup.