DDD Europe 2024 - Values - Software Modelling & Design Conference


At Domain-Driven Design Europe, we believe that everyone deserves a safe and inclusive environment to learn, connect, and grow.

Code of Conduct (CoC)

Our goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment for all participants. As a part of our commitment to this belief, we have established a Code of Conduct that applies to all participants, speakers, sponsors, and staff. Our Code of Conduct reflects our values of mutual respect, empathy, and understanding. We aim to enforce this Code of Conduct strictly, and have set up procedures to handle any violations that may occur.

Read the Code of Conduct


We recognize that as an international conference, our actions have an impact on the environment. We have taken steps to minimize our carbon footprint like offering a plant-based menu and offset our travel.
Our efforts towards sustainability are based on the 8 R’s principle, which emphasizes reducing, reusing, recycling, repairing, and rethinking our consumption and waste. We have grouped sustainable travel options on this page.

Read about our Sustainability Efforts

Diversity & Accessibility

We care deeply about making Domain-Driven Design Europe a safe and welcoming space for everyone. We strive to create a diverse and accessible conference that prioritizes the comfort and safety of all participants. We acknowledge that this is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement, and we are committed to listening and learning from feedback to ensure that everyone feels welcome and included.

Read about our Diversity & Accessibility efforts