DDD Europe 2024 - Masoud Bahrami

Masoud Bahrami


I am Masoud, Co-founder of the Iranian DDD Community and founder of DDD School(http://domaindrivendesign.ir/). I have more than a decade of experience as a software developer, architect, modeler, and designer.

As a software consultant and architect, I help organizations to build autonomous, self-organizing, product-centered, and agile teams, modeling complex domains using DDD, cultivating a culture of automated testing and agile practices such as TDT, BDD, and DDD in their teams. As a DDD enthusiast, I established the Iranian DDD Community with my friends. Also, I founded DDD School(http://domaindrivendesign.ir/) as an independent startup I provide courses, resources, and educational articles about DDD, software craftsmanship, modeling, test automation, etc.

Recently, I launched http://EventStorming.ir.
