DDD Europe 2024 - Nico Krijnen

Nico Krijnen


An explorer at heart, Nico loves to navigate the ever changing technology landscape and find practical solutions to complex problems. For a big chunk of his career, he disrupted the DAM space by building an innovative file management solution called Elvis, which is being used by media organizations all over the world. Nico is passionate about not just building the thing right, but also building the right thing. Besides leading and supporting teams and giving direction, he likes to roll up his sleeves and experience first-hand how (and whether) the latest technologies work in the real world. He is never shy of making unconventional choices to achieve radical results.

Recordings: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpsPwCgJlHhyONy7_4fb-AfYcmAS0oD7P Podcast: https://app.springcast.fm/podcast/luminis-tech-talks Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/nicokrijnen
